Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012

asking for invitation

Asking for Invitation
How to invite someone :                   To accept an invitation :          To refuse an invitation :
Ø would you like to see a film            - I`d love to. Thank you very # I`m afraid I can`t. I`m
with me?                                            very much                                 very busy
Ø shall we…?                                - I love that                             # I`m terribly sorry.            
Ø How about … ?                        - Thank you. I will come…                 I cannot.
Ø I like to invite you ...?                     - of course. I will come …        # sorry. I cannot.
Ø I wonder if you would                    - That sounds like a nice idea!      # I would like … but …
like to ...                                                                                         # it`s good, but …
Ø I would like to invite                                                               # I should like … but …
you to ...                                                                                        
Ø Come to my party, please.

Asking for Invitation
How to invite someone :                   To accept an invitation :          To refuse an invitation :
Ø would you like to see a film            - I`d love to. Thank you very # I`m afraid I can`t. I`m
with me?                                            very much                                 very busy
Ø shall we…?                                - I love that                             # I`m terribly sorry.            
Ø How about … ?                        - Thank you. I will come…                 I cannot.
Ø I like to invite you ...?                     - of course. I will come …        # sorry. I cannot.
Ø I wonder if you would                    - That sounds like a nice idea!      # I would like … but …
like to ...                                                                                         # it`s good, but …
Ø I would like to invite                                                               # I should like … but …
you to ...                                                                                        
Ø Come to my party, please.

Senin, 01 Oktober 2012



English learning have a skill where sentences composed into paragraph even into essay using good English, it is known as writing. It is one of four basic skills that have the same important with three other skills. There are two media for language communication: 1) receiving the message, reading and listening, 2) and sending the message, speaking and writing. To give clear information in communication, writing and the use of a standard format for writing are needed.
In English syllabus of SMP. As mentioned in its competence: students are expected to be able to rearrange the jumbled sentences into unity paragraph (translated). In this exercise, a complete paragraph is jumbled in purpose to know how far the students’ understanding concerning to the parts of a paragraph. The sequence of topic sentence, supporting sentences, and conclusion sentence are replaced in jumbled parts. Hence, the sentences in the paragraph are not become unity anymore. Then, it given to the students to be analyzed and to be reformed as well as it correct and unity form. Finally, from the result of the students work will known whether they understand or not how a good paragraph is formed.
Ideally, to fulfill a good paragraph is required some necessities. First of all, a paragraph should have one area that can be discussed completely in a single space of a paragraph called topic sentence. Next, to develop the area that is discussed is needed supporting sentences which explain the reasons, examples, or facts, of the topic sentence. Finally, to leave the important point for the reader, all of the contents are concluded by closing sentence. Moreover, those requirements explained above can construct a good paragraph. All sentences in a paragraph must be unified around a central point or controlling idea. This controlling idea is usually declared in a topic sentence.
Additionally, a good paragraph also has two important elements, instead of the three parts of paragraph. The first is unity whereas the area that is discussed only focused in one main idea in the paragraph. The second is coherence where the paragraph is easy to read and understand. Both of these elements are support a good paragraph writing.
In fact, some students still have problem in doing the exercise. They are still confused by, what is the topic sentence which started the paragraph, how the supporting sentences that maintain the paragraph and conclusion sentence which close a paragraph. One of the most challenging aspects of writing is finding something to write about. Writing introductions can be one of the most difficult tasks for students because it is a starting point.
Classically, face such jumbled sentences exercise, students has some method that does not need much effort to apply. The easier method that students can do to accomplish the task is guessing or arranges the jumbled sentences according to their intuitions. The easiest method is copying other students work as they do it by themselves. Finally, they are not attempt to do it as they are supposed to do.
The problems that appear during the exercise given can be avoided by some steps. The students must focus on the idea of completeness in the small unit, and this thought process can then be applied to the development and shaping of a good paragraph
Based on the explanation above, it is important conducting research in the case mentioned. If the research was done, it would be found how good students’ understanding about arranging a unity paragraph is. But, if the research was not being done, it would not be found the problems faced by them in arranging a paragraph. In the end, it can be given the best solution to solve the problems that might be occurred.
Through this research, the researcher hopes by doing the analysis of the students ability in arranging jumbled sentences will be gained the important information of the writing problems and it will become feedback for the teacher to improve the teaching way which have been done. Besides, the analysis is done to know the students ability in arranging jumbled sentences.

Working Theory
 A paragraph has three major structural parts which are a topic sentence, supporting sentences and a concluding sentence. Then, the arrangement of the paragraph is maintained in the correct sequence part by part paragraph. The first, topic sentence is the first sentence in a paragraph. It introduces the main idea of the paragraph. According to (Zemach & Lisa 2003:5) “Before you write, you must choose a topic for your paragraph”. It indicates what the paragraph is to going to discuss. However, the topic sentence is very important because it is introduces the reader to the topic of the paragraph, states the main idea of the paragraph and focuses the paragraphs.
The second, supporting sentences, It comes after the topic sentence. Making up the body of a paragraph. “Supporting sentences develop the main idea or controlling idea in the topic sentence by proving, illustrating, explaining, or defining the main idea.” (Robitaille & Connelly 2007:61). The supporting sentence develops the topic sentence which explains the topic sentence by giving reasons, example, facts, statistics and quotations.
The last, closing sentence is the last sentence in a paragraph. It restates the main idea of paragraph using different words. “It either sums up the paragraph by reminding the reader of the main idea or interprets the significance of the supporting ideas. It should not start a new argument.” (Robitaille & Connelly 2007:71).
Unity Paragraph means that one paragraph is about only one main topic. That is, all the sentences the topic, supporting sentences, the detail sentences. Unity Paragraph is developing a paragraph around a major idea. Express this idea in the topic sentence.
Since the students of SMPN 2 Barabai learned to arrange jumbled sentences into unity paragraph. The formulation of problem of this research is:
How is the student’s ability in arranging jumbled sentences into unity paragraph at the eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Barabai school year 2012/2013?

The research is conducted to find out the student’s ability in arranging jumbled sentences into unity paragraph at the eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Barabai school year 2012/2013.

The result of this research is expected to highlight the theory of writing concerning to unity in paragraph.
·       For teacher, the result of this research whether good or bad is expected to be a response for the enhancement of teaching technique in paragraph writings and feedback for teacher.
·       For students, the result of this research whether good or bad is review of their achievement in paragraph writing.
·       For researcher, the result of this research can be reference and to increase knowledge about unity paragraph.